[Codility] Lesson-05.3: MinAvgTwoSliceThis post handles extracting the slice, subset that shows a minimum average, from the numeric list.Jan 16, 2021Jan 16, 2021
[Codility] Lesson-05.2: GenomicRangeQueryIn this post, we will find the priority letter and coefficient of them in several DNA subsequences.Dec 12, 20201Dec 12, 20201
[Codility] Lesson-05.1: CountDivThis post deals with the problem of counting the number of elements whose remainder is 0 when divided by a specific value in a given array.Dec 12, 2020Dec 12, 2020
[Codility] Lesson-04.4: PermCheckThe topic of this post is checking the permutation. The problem that we want to solve follows.Dec 12, 20201Dec 12, 20201
[Conputer Vision] Rigid RegistrationSometimes, we want to compare two images, taken at two different moments. Even if those were shot at different angles or different scales.Nov 27, 2020Nov 27, 2020
[Codility] Lesson-04.3: MissingIntegerFinding the missing value in a given array is handled in this post. The problem definition can be confirmed via the following URL.Sep 27, 2020Sep 27, 2020
[Codility] Lesson-04.2: MaxCountersThe problem named ‘MaxCounters’ is handled via this post. The URL for confirming the original task is the following.Sep 27, 2020Sep 27, 2020
[Codility] Lesson-04.1: FrogRiverOneThis post handles the first solution of lesson 4 using python. The topic of lesson 4 is the ‘Counting Elements’.For accessing the problem…Sep 19, 2020Sep 19, 2020
[Codility] Lesson-03.3: TapeEquilibriumIn this post, the third solution for lesson 3 with reducing time complexity is handled. For accessing the problem, click the following…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020